5 Rules of Wearing Rings You Need to Follow

For the better part of the history of humans, we have used fashion of some sort to express a lot about our society. Wearing certain things on our body can mean so much, from personal style to symbolizing all sorts of different things. Back in the day, the stuff we wear used to have more meaning than today. In the modern world, things are quite simple.

If it is comfortable if you like it, and if it makes you feel good about something while not offending anyone, you are free to wear it. However, things were not always like this. In the olden days, clothes and particularly accessories were used to distinguish oneself from others in terms of faith, social status, and relationship status.

Many of these rules and guidelines remained to this day, albeit for smaller trinkets and accessories, none of which are more prominent than rings. Other jewelry can and does symbolize a lot of things, but wearing a ring simply means more. In this article, we explore the world of ring wearing and bring closer to you all the rules you need to follow if you decide to wear one. Make sure to keep reading this article to learn more about rings and what they imply. In addition, if you need a place to shop for your next ring you should check out what storyjewellery.com has to offer.

1. Each Finger Means Something

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The fact that certain types of rings that have some kind of meaning are supposed to be worn on specific fingers. But do you know exactly what each finger means and what kind of ring goes on it? Everyone knows that the engagement ring and the wedding ring go on the ring finger. It is literally in the name for an entire body part, meaning it has had this function for centuries. More specifically, it is the left ring that is reserved for stating that you are engaged or married. Well, something similar is true for the left index and pinky fingers. Wearing a ring on the left index finger symbolizes affiliation to something. A lot of people wear a ring that represents something they love, cherish, or care about. It can basically be anything, any type of ring that you for some reason like. Lastly, the left pinky is reserved for personal statements and it is often used to wear expensive jewelry that are both fashion statements and a show of class or wealth.

2. Wear It with Confidence

This is not so much a rule for the rings themselves but the behavior you show while wearing it, or them. Rings, like other pieces of clothing and accessories we wear, need to feel natural and comfortable on you. If they are not, it will look and feel like they are wearing you and not the other way around. Confidence is key. From the moment you put it on, do not give it too much attention. Act like it has always been there and own your new look. People who know you will ask about it so make sure to be confident about answering and keep your attitude. The most fashionable of people and those who are satisfied with themselves do not care what others think or say. Be confident and do not allow the ring(s) to take away the attention from you.

3. Balance Them Across Hands

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If you wear multiple rings at once it is very important to balance them across both hands. Remember how we mentioned that the index, rind, and pinky fingers are the most prominent for ring wearing? Well, the middle finger is also quite popular. This means you can wear the rings on all four of your forward fingers, but there is a catch. Do not cluster them on one hand altogether, and do not wear more rings on one finger if you still have room on others. Also, wearing rings on thumbs is both uncomfortable and impractical. If you want maximum fashion style points as well as comfort you will want to balance your rings across both hands. Your ring finger will already have a ring (or two) if you are married so skip it. This leaves two index fingers for affiliation to be used for something you love and the pinkies for personal statements. Once you fill up those, you can add something on the middle fingers, but try to leave it free as it looks better when there is at least one bare finger on each hand.

4. Ring Proportion Matters

It should go without saying really, but smaller hands go best with smaller rings while bigger hands favor bigger rings. This is not just the question of size and whether or not the ring will slide off or be too tight. It is about the scale and how well the metal goes with your hand size. Bulkier statement rings always look too cumbersome on small hands, while petite, minimalist rings are barely visible on large hands and longer or thicker fingers. Find what works best for your physique and stick to it. This is exactly why rings come in all sizes and shapes.

5. Matching the Metals

Source: unsplash.com

Last but not least, you should really go out of your way to match the metals you are wearing. This implies combining other accessories and jewelry with the ring(s) to get the best out of everything you war. There are a lot of metal accessories to be worn. Watches, bracelets, chains, pendants, necklaces, brooches, cufflinks, tie pins, the list goes on. The key thing to remember here is the golden (no pun intended) rule of combining jewelry and accessories, which is to match the metals. If you plan to wear gold rings, your watch and other metal things on you should also be gold. If you want silver though, you could go platinum or stainless steel with the rest of the pieces because they look similar especially from the distance. Never combine gold with any of these. If you do not care for precious metals, things are somewhat easier as you can wear most types of metal rings with most types of other accessories.