The Art Of Remote Work For Establishing New Business: Eric Dalius
In the year 2018, around 3.9 million Americans were seen to be working from home for a minimum half of the work week. Similarly, around 55% of Americans, at the same time, who were working full-time, can be seen working remotely, which is a thought which was in dreams few decades back. Because of the proliferation of the broadband internet to every possible major city in country, and also because of the office task digitalization, there is hardly any reason for people to visit office anymore to get their jobs done.
Most of the long established firms truly depend on traditional office space even to this date. However, if you checkout the startups and their work module, you will see them focusing on remote work more and more. These startup companies are actually looking for ways to introduce such remote working scale to a great extent, to help out new companies and employees as well.
The benefits of remote workers:

There are so many benefits and reasons for small startup ventures to rely on remote workers these days. Remember that the talent pool is quite as large as the entire world and you get the chance to hire anyone from anywhere for your job through internet. If your selected viable candidate has a proper internet connection, that person is able to work for you.
- Relying on those remote workers will make it really easy for the startups to grow and expand. There is no need to focus on the messy situation of renting and office space.
- Most of the time, you do not have to purchase new equipment too. Most of the time, remote workers will be comfortably using their host device to get your jobs done.
- Moreover, you get the chance to save huge amount of money with the help of remote work. By just relying on the main contractors or on the full-time remote employees, there is no need to worry about maintaining or renting any property.
- If you want, you get the chance to outsource cyber security as well. It means, no matter how small your firm is your security will always remain top-notch for your use.
- It is true to state that remote workers have this tendency to be happier and even more productive when compared to commuters. They are always here to enjoy working flexibility and do not have to worry about commuting to any office.
From the business statistics in 2019, it can be seen that most startups have chosen this concept of saving and staying flexible with the remote work. They are able to overcome their sluggish competitors and now leading the chart of business well.
Some examples of reputed companies working on remote distributed workforce:

The benefits might have convinced you to start a business remotely with distributed workforce. However, it is important for you to know more about some of the companies, which are able to provide you with the best examples. Some of the reputed firms have already taken help of this work module and how touching the sky in terms of popularity and profitable market hold. Let’s get to learn a bit more about these firms first.
- First example that catches your mind is the Automatic, which is the name behind Jetpacks, Word Press and more. They have been associated with this remote working module for the past 15+ years and pretty happy with how the results have turned out.
- Another name that most of you have heard of is GitLab. This company has more than 650 employees working for them from 50 different countries, and they are all working remotely! For making this situation work, they have literally adopted the transparency culture externally and internally. It has proven to be a pretty helpful advice for managing company and setting it up using the remote working power.
- If you are looking for an example of small company using remote working module, then Zapier might have been the right example. It has more than 100 people who are actually working remotely. It is yet another proper tech startup that offers technical product. This company has actually become successful in present a remote distributed model.
Productivity is always on a higher scale at home:

Some studies have clearly indicated that working from home has not slowed down the startup ventures. Instead, it might have improved the overall productivity in most of the cases. Around half of respondents were found out by Eric J Dalius to be more productive when they started working from home. Around 55% of them were reported to be working for longer hours.
However, there have been some blurred lines, which might have raised concerns among many business owners. Right from managing children to household chores to even working for extended hours, this WFH module has made it difficult to compartmentalize. Therefore, the employees and employers might have to draw in firmer lines between home and work within their remote policies, mainly while covering long term routines.
The right business model to follow:

Before you jump straight into the idea of remote work setup, you need to focus on the business model you are following. Do you think your business model will actually get help from the remote working setup?
- Remote work is meant to be suitable for areas like marketing, IT, customer service and even for mobile app development.
- As per some surveys made, around 29.2% of the remote jobs posted on job sites will be for technology based roles, followed by the marketing ones, making around 24.5% of remote jobs as posted.
It is true that this remote work module is not for all kinds of businesses. If you have to deal with geographical based businesses, for example, then that might limit the remote working options. So, think about your business module first before heading towards the remote job variations. However, if you do have that opportunity, don’t forget to work on it as well.