5 Money-Saving Tips and Tricks For Buying A House – 2024 Guide
So it’s time to buy a house. But buying a house is a rather tricky thing to do since houses are very expensive. But there are tips and tricks that you can use to help you save money just for that.
In this article, we will discuss exactly that. So if you want to know more about it, then make sure to continue reading. With all that said, let’s just straight in.
1. Always Plan a Budget

If we’d all have all the money in the world then all of us would be living on some exotic and tropical island in a house with multiple pools.
Bud sadly, most of us are mere mortals that work 9 to 5 jobs and don’t have that kind of money. So, a smart thing is to always plan and set a budget,
Doing this allows you to plan more realistically. And this is a very common mindset that people go into when buying houses. Planning a budget tells you exactly what property you can and cannot purchase.
Maybe your budget allows for a studio apartment or it might be big enough for a two-story house. Regardless, a budget eliminates a lot of financial issues that might present themselves along the way.
So, don’t make the obvious mistake of aiming high and falling flat on the ground when expectations cannot be met.
2. Always Consider the Down Payment
Whenever you’re buying any kind of property, always know that you have to put a down payment. A down payment is an amount that you give the owner of the property whenever buying the property. This amount can be 10% or even higher than the total amount of the house costs.
And this is very important as it acts as a sort of insurance. It tells the seller that you are serious about it and if you don’t end up paying the rest of the amount, then they get to keep the down payment.
But a down payment is also something that you put when negotiating with lenders. Since very few of us have the money to actually buy a property, we usually take out mortgage loans.
Unlike putting a down payment to the seller, you give it to the lender instead. This also shows how serious you are about the whole thing.
3. Cut Back on Costs

Now that we’ve explained some of the stuff related to the lenders, it’s important to understand that saving for a house isn’t done in a year’s time.
Instead, it might take you decades to save the money to purchase your dream home. And if you happened to be reading this article in your early 20s, then there isn’t a better time to do that.
The easiest way to save money is to cut back on unnecessary costs. We all have expenses and it can be hard to break out of this vicious cycle.
While bills are meant to be paid on time, you can instead cut back on other things. Do you have multiple subscription services, then why not cut back on a couple of those and instead stick with only one?
These are the sort of costs that weigh us down in the long-term. So consider cutting them off.
You’ll find articles such as this one all throughout the internet. While we will give you a general rundown on a couple of tips and tricks, you can do the smart thing and follow up on them to get the full picture. For example, we talked about setting a budget when buying a house but there are other things to consider when doing this. So, if you want to follow up on those tips, then make sure to go over to loved.com.
4. Be Smart With Your Money
Cutting back on unnecessary costs is one thing, but being smart is a different kind of fish.
Namely, you should always spend the money you have and not the ones that you don’t have. Saying this is very easy when you’ve planned for a house and you’ve just bought a new car.
But you’ll never save for both a new car and a new house if you’re not smart with your money.
Since you’re making two life-changing purchases, you can do the sensible thing of saving on other stuff. For example, instead of buying that very expensive cereal for dinner, why not get that less expensive one down the aisle. You can also compare stores that have the best prices when buying food.
You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars each month just so you can eat brand foods. Sure, eating from less reputable brands might make you miserable but you’re still saving money for a house.
So, make the needed change and purchase the $7 cereal instead of the $10 one. You can then add the remaining $3 to the house deposit.
5. Open A Savings Account

This is yet another smart tip that you should be doing in your early years. If not, then ask your parents to do that for you.
A savings account is exactly what it sounds. It’s a bank account that you open and adds money each month. This money then gets APY (annual percentage yield) and you can either use this amount for yourself or put it back into the account.
After 10 to 15 years of doing this, you can amass a pretty substantial amount. It might be enough to put a down payment or it might be enough to pay for the whole thing.
Regardless, it’s important to consider these things beforehand as it gives you enough time to plan for the future.
There are tons of money-saving tips and tricks that you can use for both long-term and short-term savings. Buying a house is no easy task and it is one of the most expensive purchases you’ll ever make. Chances are, you’ll be paying it off for the next two decades so you should approach it with the much-needed seriousness.