Don’t take life for granted

Registering in a rehabilitation center is not less than a nightmare for most of us. But one should remember that bitter medicine is important to be consumed to get cured. In the past rehabilitation centers were offering only medication to the clients. But over time they have learned to deal with clients in different ways and offer them a variety of treatments. They are no longer confined to medicines only; rather they have introduced yoga, Reiki, acupressure recovery, mindfulness activities, personal training, and meditation. To carry these activities in full zeal the center must be located somewhere close to nature. Nature is something that brings people back to life.

Most of us are undergoing some kind of substance use disorder but we are unaware of its development because of a lack of regular medical check-ups. The consequences are deadly. Many people have lost their lives because they didn’t pay heed to this aspect and reached a point of addiction from where there was no coming back. Some of the common traits found in people undergoing any kind of addiction are they don’t talk, don’t trust anyone, and don’t feel anything anymore. One could take them as their part of nature i.e. the person is naturally less talkative, has trust issues, and doesn’t have feelings. But one should remember that all this is not something natural. If you observe these traits in your friends or family do advise them to undergo a medical check-up as soon as possible. Your little observation can save someone’s life.

Personal Training


If a rehabilitation center is providing one single plan to different clients undergoing different addictions then this is not a good rehabilitation center. The reason behind the fact is that each person is coming from a different background, suffering from a different addiction. Therefore, the cure provided should also be a customized one. Not only the medication provided should be customized but personal physical training should also be offered. This could be carried out in the form of small groups. Personal training should be the one engaging both the mind and the body. In this way the clients are diverted by the pain they are going through and at the same time, they gain physical strength as well.

For instance, AscendantNY offers some personal training like Yoga, Reiki, and meditation. They are not mere personal pieces of training but they develop skills in the clients as well. A person may not know what he is blessed with naturally if he doesn’t undergo this training. In personal training, one gets a chance to explore himself which he was unable to do before due to his busy same routine. The role of the trainer is of great importance in this aspect. If the trainer is unable to keep the clients motivated in the personal training then personal training does not produce long-lasting results. Once the client develops an interest in the training he carries it even after leaving the rehabilitation center. It has proven to be beneficial to many.

Acupressure Therapy


This therapy was introduced in China for the first time. It was used to provide mental and physical relaxation to the person by applying pressure at certain points of the body for a specific period. It turns out to be one of the most effective techniques so far. Therefore, the rehab centers introduced this therapy along with the medication in their plans. This therapy is not being practiced in all the rehab centers because a professional is required to carry out the process on an individual basis. Group activities are easy to perform because in these activities one trainer can cater to different clients at a time. Group activities are more engaging and take less time.

Whereas acupressure therapy requires more time than others and can serve one client at a time. However, the results produced by this therapy are amazing. Therefore, clients tend to adopt this therapy as per their budget. The charges of this therapy are also high due to individual serving. For the ease of clients, the rehab centers have introduced different packages having different prices. Moreover, one can go for the customized plan as well. He can choose a smaller plan and can see if it is effective for him or not. If the plan is effective he can go for another plan of the same type else he can try a new plan. A team of advisors is also present to guide the clients in this aspect as per their experience.

Meet the Team


It is very important to know about the team of a rehab center before getting registered in any of the centers. The team is the core of the rehab. If the team is good and highly professional only then the rehab center will be able to produce success stories. One cannot get to know every person on board. But one can get to know some officials of the center through the website. A good reputable rehab center always provides the details of their staff heads on their website. These details include the name of the person, their qualification, and their position in the rehabilitation center.

Some clients are conscious about trusting their lives and revealing their secrets to someone. Therefore, they request to meet the team before a hand. This facility is difficult to offer by most centers because the staff is occupied serving the already registered clients. However, they appreciate providing detailed solutions over the call or one can go for a paid one-to-one session. The facility of meeting the team in person is not offered by many centers due to various reasons, such as privacy concerns, lack of time, busy schedule, etc. The pictures of the team members help one to develop a sense of trust in the center. Later on, the client can verify that the person on the website is the one present on-site or if the company is playing some scam game. Choosing the right center is just about observing a little bit more closely than usual.