A Brief Guide to Dog Attack Cases in 2024
Dog attacks are often caused by the rabies virus, an aggressive temperament, or territorial behaviors. When an attack happens, the victim must take action quickly and ensure that the dog is managed properly. In some cases, the dog is owned by a local neighbor, and the dog escaped an outdoor enclosure. Some dog attacks happen while the victim is visiting the pet owner, and the dog attacks without warning. Service providers that must enter the exterior of the property may sustain injuries if dogs are mismanaged. Reviewing local dog attack laws shows victims what to do after they are attacked.
Report the Dog Attack to Animal Control

The victim must report the dog attack to the county animal control officer, and the animal control officer will conduct an investigation of the attack. They issue a notice to the pet owner about the attack, and the pet owner must present evidence of a vaccination record. The pet owners must comply with the animal control officer’s requests. Victims of a dog attack can learn more about dog attack claims by visiting lawboss.com right now.
Seek Medical Assistance for Injuries
Seeking medical assistance for the injuries gives the dog attack victim evidentiary support that shows their injuries resulted from the event. If the victim needs to file a legal claim against the pet owner, they will need to collect medical evidence of their injuries to present to the court. However, pet owners can file a claim through their homeowner’s or renter’s insurance to cover the victim’s medical costs up to the maximum coverage level. If an insurance claim is possible, the dog attack victim won’t need to start legal proceedings to collect compensation. However, if their medical costs exceed the maximum coverage level, a legal claim is necessary to collect the outstanding balance unless the victim accepts the settlement from the insurance provider.
The Responsibilities of the Pet Owner

All pet owners are responsible for getting their dogs vaccinated for the rabies virus. If a dog attack is reported involving their dog, the pet owner must show the animal control officer the dog’s vaccination records, even if the dog doesn’t exhibit current signs of rabies. If the pet owner failed to vaccinate their dog, the animal control officer will require a 12-day quarantine for the dog. They must surrender the dog to a licensed vet for quarantine. During the stay, the dog is evaluated for signs of rabies or aggressive behaviors. The findings are reported to the animal control officer, and the animal control officer determines if the dog is a risk to the public.
Did the Victim Have a Legal Right to Be on or Inside the Property?
Establishing a legal right to be on or inside the property shows that the victim wasn’t trespassing or breaking the law by being at or inside the property. Dog attack victims must provide evidence of this right by explaining why they were at the property. If the pet owner invited the victim to their home, the pet owner is liable. If the victim was a service provider or utility worker, they have a legal right to be at the property because they must enter the property to complete their job duties. As long as the victim can prove that they didn’t break the law, their case will not be dismissed.
Do Tort-Based Factors Apply?

Tort-based factors may apply if the victim’s injuries are severe, permanent, or cause a disability. The claimant may have viable evidence to support claims for pain and suffering if they lost a limb, suffered a loss of organ function, or if their injuries altered their lives dramatically. If the dog was infected with the rabies virus, tort-based claims are possible, and the pet owner must pay for medical treatment to fight the rabies virus. However, it is possible that the victim may die if they contract the rabies virus and don’t get emergency treatment in enough time.
Did the Victim Contribute to Causing the Dog Attack?
An investigation of the dog attack determines if the victim played a role in contributing to the attack. For example, signs of animal abuse or provoking the animal shows that the victim caused the animal to react to their actions. Animal abuse is a crime, and if proven, the victim could face criminal charges. Attorneys may depose eyewitnesses that saw the dog attack and determine if the victim abused the animal or purposely provoked them. If there isn’t any evidence of animal abuse or signs that the victim provoked the dog attack, the pet owner is liable for the victim’s injuries.
Did the Dog Have a Previous History of Attacks?

A previous history of attacks may introduce strict liabilities in a dog attack case. The animal control officer will review records for any previous attacks involving the dog. If there were previous attacks, the animal control officer could deem the animal a risk to the public and either euthanize the animal or rehome it. If the pet owners failed to protect others against a dangerous dog, they may face additional liabilities and pay a higher monetary award to the dog attack victim.
Pet owners are required by law to comply with rabies vaccination laws and city ordinances that prevent dogs from roaming freely throughout the neighborhood. If the pet owner doesn’t maintain control over their dogs, they are liable for any injuries that their pets cause. When a dog attack happens, the victim must report the attack to the count animal control officer. The animal control officer must determine if the dog was vaccinated for the rabies virus. If the pet owner didn’t vaccinate their dog, they must surrender the animal to a licensed vet for a 12-day quarantine. The findings determine if the pet owner will get their dog back, or if the animal control officer will take action. Victims of these attacks must get a medical assessment to get evidence of their injuries for a legal claim. Reviewing dog attack laws helps victims start their claims quickly.