Brace yourself for a Great Smile: When to Get Braces?
Teeth alignment can be a cause for concern. Crookedness can be due to genetics, or it can be due to other factors. You cannot accurately predict how your teeth’s alignment will come out. We often do not pay attention to our teeth’s alignment in our youth until we notice abnormal growth or pain or after a dentist visit.
We see people show perfect smiles with great teeth alignment that may make you feel insecure about yours. If you are concerned with your teeth’s alignment, then it may be time to check for orthodontic treatments available.
Signs you need braces
There are a few signs that can determine that you need braces. Some can be more obvious than others. It is important to consult with orthodontists in Australia if you exhibit one or more of the signs.
Losing baby teeth earlier than normal

We all lose our baby teeth at a certain period. However, if you lose your baby teeth earlier than normal, it may cause your teeth to shift to the area where you lost a tooth. Your teeth may crowd over the area where the adult tooth is supposed to come out.
Diastema or large gaps between teeth
Diastema refers to a large gap between teeth. Gaps between teeth usually lessen as you get older, but if it does not, then consult with an orthodontist. It is not known what the main cause of diastema is, but it can be due to genetics.
Jaw clicks and shifts
When you chew or open and close your mouth, and you notice a clicking sound when you do or when your jaw shifts to one side instead of center, then it may be time to see an orthodontist.
Difficulty in speech, biting

Speaking and biting should be easy and not cause discomfort. You may experience difficulty in biting or are having speech issues pronouncing words if something is wrong with your teeth or jaw.
Crooked and crowded teeth
Crooked teeth alignment is the most obvious reason for acquiring braces and can be caused by several things. You may not be aware that you are causing your teeth to misalign, but it is totally out of their control for some. You may have one or more of these causes as the reason for your crooked teeth.
- Genetics – Your genes may be the cause of crooked teeth. If you have hereditary crooked teeth, then it is something that you have no control over. The best you can do is to seek orthodontic treatment.
- Habits – You may have habits that push your teeth out of alignment. These include thumb-sucking and tongue-thrusting. Tongue thrusting is when your tongue pushes on your teeth whenever you swallow. This is not normal because your tongue should press on the roof of your mouth instead. Mouth-breathing can also cause teeth misalignment.
- Insufficient dental hygiene – Poor dental hygiene can cause several oral problems. If you do not take care of your teeth, you may develop gingivitis. This can advance into periodontitis – a gum infection that is severe enough to loosen teeth or make them fall off.
- Malnutrition – Malnutrition is when you nourish your body with the wrong food. If you are fond of sweets and junk food and avoid healthy eating, this could cause your teeth and gums to get crooked and deteriorate.
- Injury – Engaging in sports, especially those that include a lot of physical contact, can cause crooked teeth if you are hit in the mouth or jaw area. Accidents also cause teeth crookedness.
Orthodontic treatment

A popular orthodontic treatment for crooked teeth is dental braces. Dental braces correct many dental flaws, such as crooked teeth, underbites, overbites, and gaps.
Metal braces
Metal braces are also known as traditional braces. This brace has been around for decades and is the most commonly used. Metal braces use metal brackets and wires attached to the teeth.
Ceramic braces
Ceramic braces are similar to traditional metal braces. The difference is that ceramic braces are made from a ceramic material that mimics the colour of your teeth, making them less noticeable. This is an option for people who do not want their braces to be noticeable.
Clear braces

These are also known as progressive braces. They differ from the other types of braces because they are removable. Clear braces are almost unnoticeable due to their transparency. Clear braces come in a series of plastic aligners, each different from the other based on progression. Clear braces are changed during dentist visits as your teeth alignment progresses. They are easy to clean and can be removed when eating or engaging in physical activity.
Lingual braces
This type of brace is very similar to metal braces in terms of the components used. The only difference is that these braces are attached to the back of the teeth, preventing them from being obvious.
Dental braces can make your smile better. Braces can be the answer to your dental issues. Several orthodontists in Australia are qualified to assist you.