Biggest Video Games to Look Forward to in 2024
Forget movies, the future of entertainment is much more interactive than sitting in on your couch or theatre and watching something on a screen while you just use your eyes. That’s so Twentieth century, and considering how much bigger the video game industry now is compared to film, there’s never been a better time to get into this world.
No matter what console you own, if you’re a die-hard PC (personal computer) gamer, or even just play with your phone, there is definitely a title out there to scratch your itch. While there’s plenty of older games to check out – and endless ranking them – let’s turn towards the very near future and see what’s coming out in 2024.
PlayStation 5

The ninth generation of video games (don’t worry about knowing them) began last year with the release of Sony’s Playstation 5 and Microsoft’s Xbox Series X in November. The former was so popular that they immediately sold out, and scalpers were charging so much that you almost had to become a straight, gay or trans sugar baby just to be able to afford one. While there were a few decent launch titles, this year is expected to be big for the console, and not only because they are increasing production so you can get your hands on one.
Two of Playstation 4’s biggest exclusives titles are getting sequels, and both have been announced for 2024. In 2017 Horizon Zero Dawn thrilled plenty of gamers with sci-fi apocalypse combat in a massive open world, and its sequel – Forbidden West – was announced last year to great fanfare. Red-haired Aloy returns to fight even more giant robots and uncover the truth of what happened many years ago. With breathtaking graphics and an engaging story, it’s hard to imagine a bigger holiday title than this one.
Except maybe for the sequel to 2018’s God of War, a game that has both of those two latter things, with the addition of the incredible feeling of ripping and tearing your mythic enemies to shreds. God of War is a rather old video game franchise, but it’s 2018 reboot sold over twelve million copies.
The only concern is that because there’s only been a single image to announce the game, and no trailer or gameplay or additional information (a lot of rumours and fake leaks have been around some leading to scams or a squirt gay site), there is concern that the release might be pushed back to 2024.
Xbox Series X

While Microsoft has been buying up big studios (like Bethesda) to offer gamers more and more exclusive titles in the future, for many people Bill Gates’ foray into video games has always meant one thing: Halo. This sci-fi first-person shooter became the killer launch app on the first Xbox twenty years ago, and it was the first time that you could have a huge amount of multiplayer Group Fun on a console (meanwhile, PC owners had been playing Doom online for years). Originally the new Halo game (subtitled ‘Infinite’) was meant to come out last year as a launch title for the Xbox Series X, but a lukewarm reception to its first trailer had the developers go back to the drawing board.
This means that Halo: Infinite is definitely the most anticipated new game for this console and is expected to drop this holiday season.
It should also be of note that there are a few big cross-platform games that will be coming to both the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X this year, and among some of the highlights are Resident Evil 8 (also known as ‘Village’), Far Cry 6 (yes, plenty of sequels, because they already have a loyal fanbase), and Back 4 Blood (because you can never kill too many zombies).

This Japanese video game company has been around much longer than the other Big Three console makers, and pretty much dances to the beat of its own drum. Instead of pushing out the latest hardware to give players the best graphics or fast loading screens, it typically focuses on offering unique gameplay ideas that are meant for some great success and the occasional failure.
Right now, Nintendo is riding high on their Switch console, which has recently celebrated its fourth anniversary. Early in the year they released Super Mario 3D World with bonus content, and it quickly sold millions. Hack-and-slash fans are pumped about the coming release of No More Heroes 3.
Because it’s Pokemon’s 25th Anniversary there is plenty of excitement over a new version of Pokemon Snap, as well as remastered versions of Diamond and Pearl. Plenty of rumours are swirling about getting news about possible new games to the Bayonetta and Metroid series, so keep your eyes glued to the company’s E3 presentation in June.
Of course, the biggest game that everyone seems to be dying to get their hands on is the sequel to 2017’s Breath of the Wild, from the epic Legend of Zelda series. That game has sold over twenty million copies and is lauded as one of the best titles ever, and with the initial announcement of its sequel almost two years old now, many are expecting (and hoping and praying) for a fall 2024 release.
Mobile Gaming

While playing on your phone always seemed like a ‘lesser’ form of gaming, it’s certainly a profitable one, which is why many big developers are preparing smaller versions of console franchises this year.The Witcher series will offer Monster Slayer, Final Fantasy is going to release Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, the Castlevania series has Moonlight Rhapsody, Crash Bandicoot serves up On the Run, and considering how big Pokemon Go was, it’s no surprise Nintendo will release Pokemon Unite.