5 Unique Ways to Teach College Students Digital Marketing

Traditional teaching methods are boring and make students feel overwhelmed. Students are supposed to attend long lectures, go to the library to conduct research, and complete assignments. Consequently, they do not gain a lot of critical skills that can help them in the job market. Instead, they study to attain high grades and graduate.

When you ask marketing students about the notes they are expected to study, most of them will admit that they are boring. The notes are made up of complex theories prepared in a boring format. Students want something that they can relate to.

As an instructor, your role is to ensure that students grasp college content such that they can apply the knowledge in real-life situations. What is the best way to teach marketing content and obtain the best results? Here are the tips that can help you.

Choose Experimental Learning Any Day

Most students have a short concentration span. If you teach them using the traditional methods, they may not focus for long. They look forward to engaging lectures.

What can make modern learners concentrate on the content that is delivered to them? They need stimulation so that they can do more research on marketing content. If they feel that what they are learning is not relevant, they automatically switch off. Moreover, the class should not be too formal.

How should you teach as the instructor? Do not bombard the learners with complicated marketing theories and concepts. Give them a hint on the areas you want them to learn and stimulate their mind so that they can embark on the research process on their own. Students prefer a situation where they can discuss what they learn casually with their classmates.

Also, you should issue practical projects instead of theoretical essays. Students are more interested in learning when they know that the content is practical.

Assign Gradable Group Projects to the Learners

The norm in colleges has always been to issue essays for students to complete. That is why it is common to hear students asking questions like, “Can I pay someone to write my paper?” They only complete the papers for the sake of the grade while not gaining additional knowledge.

Instead, give them tasks that they are supposed to complete in groups. Allow them to choose partners who they can comfortably work with. For example, you can give a task where they select a marketing campaign and investigate its application in real life.

You can give enough time for the completion of the task. A team then presents its findings in the form of PowerPoint presentations. With such an approach, students can find learning marketing concepts more interesting.

Most Students Love Online Learning Methods

When students do not understand what they learn during a regular class session, they are more likely to do their research on online platforms. If an instructor fails to factor in this aspect, students may not understand concepts. Make the lecture notes in a format that students love.

Consider the lecture notes to be in the form of podcasts and videos. Students can then access and study these concepts at a pace that they are comfortable with. Learning should go beyond the lecture hall.

Educate Then on the Best Content Marketing Practices

The traditional marketing course involves teaching students many theories. Although the theories are important, they are not enough. You should transform tutees into wholesome individuals at the end of the course.

There are contemporary marketing issues that they should understand. The current trend is digital marketing. Students should understand the important content marketing strategies that include:

  • Writing captivating blog posts
  • Preparing impressive marketing videos
  • Using social media channels for marketing

The workplace needs competent individuals. When you train a wholesome student in the field of marketing, you make it easy for them to secure employment.

Train Your Students on Using Analytics

Marketing should not be done blindly. It is vital to monitor progress so that you can make changes where something is not right. It is at this point that students need skills in analytics. They should know how to analyze the results of a marketing campaign.

One of the essential tools that they should know how to use is Google Analytics. Assign work on a marketing campaign. In the end, they should assess whether the campaign was successful or not.

The Final Word

It is improper to assume that you can only teach marketing through notes and issuing assignments. Students should learn more than the theories. The concepts should be applied in real-life situations.