8 Travel Packing Tips For Newlywed Couples – 2024 Guide
All newlyweds look forward to their honeymoon. It is the perfect period where they can have fun, adventure, indulge in romance, and get to know each other better. The whole wedding period is quite stressful, and the couple hardly gets time to spend with each other. That is why the honeymoon is something that both partners look forward to. It is a blissful experience, and if you are the one who tied the knot recently, you would certainly understand the excitement and nervousness about going for a honeymoon.
The one thing to remember here is to pack well for your honeymoon. You do not want to rush it. The honeymoon plan was set in motion a long time back, so you must pack and shop for it in advance too. That will ensure that you do not end up packing too many things that you do not need. Or forget to pack essential things that will make your honeymoon a memorable experience.
Confused about what to pack? Here is a list of things that you should definitely take with you to your honeymoon.
1. Make a check-list

The first tip is pretty simple and something you need to do whenever you are going on a trip. And that is making a checklist. Do it on your phone, paper, or even use an online tool for the same, but it does come in handy. Make sure that you make this list in advance- at least a week before you start packing because the items that you need there will keep popping up. It can save you time and ensure that you do not leave behind anything imperative.
Divide the list into sections- medicines, toiletries, clothes, documents, and so. That way, you can make kits and keep checking off the items once you have packed the necessary items.
2. Make sure you pack some fun stuff
Honeymoon, as we all know, is a romantic getaway. So, pack a few things accordingly. That means getting a strap on if you are into such things and definitely sexy lingerie and nighties. These are imperative to have a sweet and intimate night in.
If you are wondering where to get sturdy and quality strap-on, check out Cirilla’s merchandise. It has tons of options for you to choose from.
These things make your honeymoon quite adventurous, and that is one thing that you may not have a chance to explore once you get back home.
3. Do pack a carry-on bag

While packing for your honeymoon, do pack a carry-on bag for yourself. It can be separate for both the partners or a mutual one which has all the necessary things that you may need to use anytime. On your honeymoon, you will be going out for sightseeing or maybe on a local trip with your partner. You will need access to documents, loose change, one or two change of clothes, a few snacks, a camera, and so on. Now, it will be a drag if you have to pack this carry-on bag while in the hotel.
So, pack one from your home and adding or taking items out of that bag according to the day plan is still easier than organizing the whole bag.
4. Check on the weather
No matter where you are going, check the weather reports for the entire time you are there. Just because you are going to a winter land, doesn’t mean that you cannot experience some sun or rain? The weather keeps changing, so having a few options that can help you enjoy rain or snowfall unexpectedly is crucial.
The weather app can help you with this. Do not increase your luggage with tons of clothes that are off-season. But carrying one or two will not harm you.
5. Packing essentials? Pack some more

What is essential for you on your honeymoon, you know? But the point here is that you should pack extra. No one wants to stop enjoying their honeymoon or pause it because they have to run to the drugstore to get medicines for headache or family planning if you know what I mean.
In this context, pack extra lingerie, medicines, lotions, or anything that you want to make the honeymoon extra special.
6. Pay attention to travelling rules
Whenever you are travelling for your honeymoon, it is a great idea to get up-to-date on the travelling laws. The airlines, the destination you are visiting, and the stops you will be making, if any all have different rules when it comes to travelling. So, know about them. Otherwise, you may get into unnecessary troubles.
Following the local rules when traveling is beneficial for you and your partner especially if you are going backpacking. Make sure to check on travooo.com and their guide to backpacking to make sure that you will be safe and have a very enjoyable trip.
P.S. If travelling in 2024 or 2024, please make sure you carry an abundance of sanitizer and masks!
7. Pack local currency

Are you planning a honeymoon abroad? Do take local currency with you. You do not have to take a boat load of local currency from home, but a few bucks can start your journey smoothly. Anyways, it is better to exchange money at banks rather than airports.
Also, inform your bank that you are going abroad and there will be international charges on your credit card to avoid unforeseen problems. Lastly, travel on a budget. It is your honeymoon, and it is special, but being on a budget is still necessary for your future.
8. Plan an itinerary and share with friends and family
It is an important task that you should not neglect doing. Create an itinerary with all the details. The hotels, contact information, if you booked tickets for any concert or safari or cruise or so on. It is a must because having this information with your loved ones ensures that they can contact you anytime or in case of emergencies.
Whoa! This list is insane, but if you follow it, you will not have to worry about too much baggage or buying essentials at your destination. Another thing that you need to keep in mind is booking your hotel and ticket in advance. Do it at least for a month before the date you have decided to go for the honeymoon.