How to Improve Your Confidence When Playing Raids in WoW Shadowlands
World of Warcraft is not only a game. It is a lifestyle for many individuals in the world. As such it has the ability to influence one’s private life. We’re not going to enter the domain of addiction when talking about this beautiful game, but it can take a toll on people. It requires time and dedication and no other game comes even close to WoW in these departments. Many players tried to pay and failed because of the inability to grasp this fantasy domain, and become one with it.
The more you play, the more the gameplay becomes difficult. Of course, you’ll develop skills, but Blizzard Entertainment never lets its players sleep on old laureates. No, you need to keep on playing, keep on advancing, and for many, the fun with this game never stops. This is what makes it so amazing. Of course, to be good at it you’ll need confidence. A lot of it. This is something many players struggle with when playing WoW. After all, you are playing with an avatar that represents a warrior, a hero. If a hero or a warrior lack confidence, they die on the battlefield.
This is not something out of ordinary, it is something that history has taught us. To be able to overcome all obstacles that the World of Warcraft is going to put in front of you, self-belief is essential. You won’t get far without it, we can assure you that. If your issues team from the lack of it, you probably have wondered what can you do to improve it. So, if your question is how to improve your confidence when playing raids in WoW Shadowlands, you’ve come to the right place. This is going to be our subject for today, and with a few short but direct advice we’re going to set you on the right trajectory. Let’s start.
Join The Right Guild

Apes Together Strong. This sentence from War for the Planet of the Apes tells you the essence of WoW. It’s all about togetherness. On your own, you can’t achieve too much. For raids, you need a guild. Being a member of a guild can do wonders for your confidence. But, just any guild won’t do the trick. In most cases, you need to form an alliance with people you know, friends, and family members you play with. You need to be sure that your comrades are having your back at all times. If you do the same for them, your bond will grow strong, and with more successful raids your confidence will skyrocket. These are the basic lessons. WoW is no different than real life in this department.
To be an esteemed member of your guild you need to give it you’re all. But, if you’re not feeling too well regarding playing and aiding, you need to be able to express yourself. Talking with the members of your guild about what troubles you, can set you on the right path. Sometimes if everyone is on the same page with you they can help you beyond measure. One example would be to allow you to give a finishing blow to a tough boss. This would raise your confidence now, wouldn’t it?
Choose Your Raids

In most cases, the lack of confidence steams from losing when it comes to this game. You won’t have too much satisfaction if your guild completes a raid but you’re always the one who dies first. You’ll be feeling miserable either way. So, what you need to regain your confidence is to start winning again. Beating opponents, and completing raids is the best way to do it. But if your skillset is not enough for new challenges, you need to revert to the old ones. Going through motions is what separates the best warriors from those who fought well but still died on the field. If you want to be the one with the universe of WoW, you need to make a few steps back before you make a jump forward. In essence, you can talk to your guild members about completing some older raids that you feel confident you’ll be able to complete with success. All that it takes is one perfect swing of the sword or a spell cast at the right moment to find yourself back in the groove. It worked for so many people playing this game it could be what you need too. If you want a different approach, maybe you just need a little WoW Boost.

Confidence issues are not a small feat. You need to be aware this could be a massive issue, but one that can be cured. The best way to go around it is to communicate your issues with your comrades. The thing is, some guild members might be strangers to you, but there’s a catch – they could be having the same issues as you do. What’s even better someone might have it but found a way to overcome it. By talking about your issues with people around you adept with the World of Warcraft you can find a solution for the problem in a few short steps. But, you’ll never know if you don’t speak it out loud. Someone else’s experience might help you more than you know.
Take a Break

Sometimes, taking a break is all one needs. Stepping aside, while things continue to move, might help you reinstall your confidence to the levels required to conquer the WoW. While your issues might steam from playing the game, stopping the fun in the core might not be the answer. This would be running from the problems. But, stepping aside, to take a rest, collect your energy only to return stronger could be the right move for you or anyone. Even Monkey D. Luffy knew that his crew is going to need two years to build up strength, regain the confidence to return to the New World, and catch up with their adversaries. This might just be what you need. From top to bottom.